Training &
Professional Development
The ClimateSense Training & Professional Development Program is designed to provide a series of short climate-related training opportunities for local adaptation practitioners. Courses will allow practitioners to develop valuable skills in an interactive learning environment.
Training opportunities will be available for both beginner and advanced practitioners.
Anticipated practitioners include engineers, architects, land-use planners, healthcare providers, emergency management officials, conservationists/naturalists, watershed groups, builders, property developers, and academia.
Please note: ClimateSense Reduced Pricing is available to Prince Edward Island residents only.
Home Flood Risk Assessment Training
Explore practical training and practice identifying the broader factors that influence urban household flooding in Canada. You will gain an in-depth understanding of how to complete visual assessments, examine infiltration and sewer backup risks for homes built during different eras of development, and identify opportunities to reduce these risks and where further investigation is needed. This course will also provide insight into the availability and evolution of flood risk insurance for homeowners.
This course will examine:
the impact of climate change,
municipal engineering and practices,
government land development policies,
building and electrical codes on the risk of floods.
Designed for:
Infrastructure and Municipal Engineering Staff
Emergency Management Organizations and Staff
Land Developers and Home Inspectors
Real Estate and Insurance Providers
Protecting PEI Homes from Flooding and Erosion
Interested participants will include non-governmental organization leaders, civil servants, planners, developers, real estate professionals, home inspectors, insurance representatives, home construction, renovation and restoration professionals and retail store employees.
This introductory level course will help participants to have informed discussions with PEI tenants and property owners about how to identify their flooding and erosion risks and how to access user-friendly assessment tools, how-to videos, websites and fact sheets to help them take action to protect their homes. Roughly half of the course content and resources are nationally applicable, making the course valuable to practitioners across the country. The balance of the content features PEI-focused case studies and local resources that are available to help islanders help themselves. Graduates receive a certificate of completion and a comprehensive list of resource links to share.
Topics include:
Working Together to Build a Climate Resilient Future
Responsibilities for Managing Risks
Introduction to Flood Insurance
Flooding and Erosion Impact on Homes
Assessing Risks
Lot-Level Actions to Reduce the Most Common Home Flood Risks
Managing Home Flood Risks in High Risk Zones
Managing Erosion Risks to Homes
Helping Residents to Protect their Homes
Introduction to Geographic Information System Mapping (GIS)
This two-day workshop will provide participants with the fundamental knowledge and technical skills to integrate spatial concepts, techniques, and technologies to enhance existing work. The workshop will be delivered in a classroom setting consisting of lecture material, discussion, and hands-on software exercises. Climate change related data sets will form the basis for the hands on learning components.
Are you interested in learning and building your skills to manage adaptation projects? Consider equity and reconciliation, understand and use climate information, assess risk and vulnerability, enhance community resiliency, and collaborate and engage across sectors while navigating governance levels. Join this new program called Climate Adaptation & Resilience Training (CART). The program is part-time, 12 weeks, and online, with face-to-face training sessions alongside a provincial cohort.
Registrations for the English cohort close on December 13, 2024. The French program will launch in September 2025.
For more information visit CLIMAtlantic.ca/CART

Home Flood Risk Assessment Training
April 30th - June 30th, 2024
Online, Instructor supported, self-paced
Approximately 42 hours
ClimateSense reduced pricing for Islanders $200 (Islander2024)
Non-residents $300
Explore practical training and practice identifying the broader factors that influence urban household flooding in Canada. You will gain an in-depth understanding of how to complete visual assessments, examine infiltration and sewer backup risks for homes built during different eras of development, and identify opportunities to reduce these risks and where further investigation is needed. This course will also provide insight into the availability and evolution of flood risk insurance for homeowners.
This course will examine:
the impact of climate change,
municipal engineering and practices,
government land development policies,
building and electrical codes on the risk of floods.
Designed for:
Infrastructure and Municipal Engineering Staff
Emergency Management Organizations and Staff
Land Developers and Home Inspectors
Real Estate and Insurance Providers
Self-Directed (Online)
Free of cost
Approximately 5 hours
Interested participants will include non-governmental organization leaders, civil servants, planners, developers, real estate professionals, home inspectors, insurance representatives, home construction, renovation and restoration professionals and retail store employees.
This introductory level course will help participants to have informed discussions with PEI tenants and property owners about how to identify their flooding and erosion risks and how to access user-friendly assessment tools, how-to videos, websites and fact sheets to help them take action to protect their homes. Roughly half of the course content and resources are nationally applicable, making the course valuable to practitioners across the country. The balance of the content features PEI-focused case studies and local resources that are available to help islanders help themselves. Graduates receive a certificate of completion and a comprehensive list of resource links to share.
Topics include:
Working Together to Build a Climate Resilient Future
Responsibilities for Managing Risks
Introduction to Flood Insurance
Flooding and Erosion Impact on Homes
Assessing Risks
Lot-Level Actions to Reduce the Most Common Home Flood Risks
Managing Home Flood Risks in High Risk Zones
Managing Erosion Risks to Homes
Helping Residents to Protect their Homes
Introduction to Geographic Information System Mapping (GIS)
Dates, Times, & Fees Available Soon
This two-day workshop will provide participants with the fundamental knowledge and technical skills to integrate spatial concepts, techniques, and technologies to enhance existing work. The workshop will be delivered in a classroom setting consisting of lecture material, discussion, and hands-on software exercises. Climate change related data sets will form the basis for the hands on learning components.
Self-Directed (Online)
$300 CAD
(three sponsorships available for full-time students)
Approximately 5 hours
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is simply a sustainability scorecard for green buildings. The LEED Green Associate is the only professional designation to show employers and clients you have certified knowledge in the field.
Registration provides access to:
400 Realistic practice exam questions Updated to LEED V4
Class recordings and anytime assistance from our LEED AP+ Staff
Comprehensive study guide designed to prepare you for exam success
In-class instruction covering LEED overview and detailed exam preparation including tips to registering
Topics include:
1. Introduction to LEED
2. Location and transportation
3. Sustainable sites
4. Water efficiency
5. Energy and atmosphere
6. Materials and resources
7. Indoor environmental quality
8. Innovation in design and regional priority
9. Exam registration and preparation