Internship Program
The ClimateSense Professional Internship Program is designed to build adaptation capacity in recent post-secondary students, as well as host organizations within the public and private sectors.
A number of Island organizations were selected to host a recent post-secondary graduate for a six (6) to twelve (12) month internship for 2021. During this time, our interns worked with mentors within the host organization to complete a sector-specific adaptation project, and also took part in ClimateSense Training and Development Programs.
We are pleased to present our 2021 Internship Projects.
Actions Femmes IPE

ClimateSense intern Jenna Miller's final project was to develop and implement an adaptation strategy for Actions Femmes, with a focus on the effects of climate change on Acadian and francophone women in PEI, and to raise awareness and engage with the francophone community of climate change adaptation issues while training several members of the community to become climate change champions. Jenna collected data through an online survey and targeted interviews.
The completed report will be available in both official languages and will inform AFIPE's programming and community engagement on the subject of Climate Change impacts and adaptation actions.
Le projet final de Jenna Miller, stagiaire de ClimateSense, était de développer et de mettre en œuvre une stratégie d'adaptation pour Actions Femmes, en mettant l'accent sur les effets du changement climatique sur les femmes acadiennes et francophones de l'ÎPE. tout en formant plusieurs membres de la communauté à devenir des champions du changement climatique. Jenna a recueilli des données par le biais d'un sondage en ligne et d'entretiens ciblés.
We are pleased to present Jenna Miller's final project.
Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter le projet final de Jenna Miller.